For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
Ephesians 2:10
We Find Our Purpose in Serving Others.
God created you as a unique masterpiece because he has a specific purpose for your life. Do you know what that purpose is? If not, we want to help you discover it.
God created you as a unique masterpiece because he has a specific purpose for your life. Do you know what that purpose is? If not, we want to help you discover it.

Areas to Serve
Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.
Trinity employs the idea of the Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations.
Below is a listing of these Five Practices and ways they are lived out in our congregation.
Radical Hospitality Team
The Radical Hospitality Team serves to provide a sense of welcoming and belonging. Areas you will experience the Radial Hospitality Team at Trinity are:
First Impressions on Sunday Morning, Coffee Hour, Funeral Meals,
Special Events, Taking Communion to the Homebound, Card Ministry, Secret Pals
Passionate Worship Team
The Worship Team serves to enhance the experience of worship at Trinity. Areas you will experience the Passionate Worship Team at Trinity are:
Acolytes, Candle Coordination, Choir, Communion Prep, Greeters, Hosts, Liturgists,
Music, Praise Band, Seasonal Decorations, Sound, Ushers
Intentional Discipleship Team
The Intentional Discipleship Team strives to grow disciples through Christian spiritual formation opportunities. Areas you will experience the Intentional Discipleship Team at Trinity are:
Adult Sunday School, Childcare, Children & Youth Ministries,
Small Group Facilitators, Short Term Studies
Extravagant Generosity Team
The Extravagant Generosity Team encourages extravagant generosity from the congregation for the work of God through our church. Areas you will experience the Extravagant Generosity Team at Trinity are:
Finance, Memorial Funds, Stewardship Campaign,
Telling the Story of How Our Generosity Makes an Impact
Risk Taking Missions and Service Team
The Risk Taking Missions and Service Team plan, organize, and manage teams of servants to spread Christ's message of love through service beyond the church walls. Areas you will experience the Risk Taking Missions and Service Team at Trinity are:
Adult Mission Trips, Alzheimer’s Support Group, American Red Cross Blood Drive,
Angels of Comfort, Boy Scouts, Canal District Disaster Response, Dinner Church, Global Mission Support,
Grief Share, “Stay at Home” Mission Projects, Trinity Christian Preschool, Youth Mission Trips
Administrative Committees
Administrative Committees serve as connections between the church congregation, team leaders, staff, and stewardship of the resources gifted to the care of our church. Areas you will experience the Administrative Committees at Trinity are:
Finance, Lay Leadership Development, Ministry Support Team,
Staff Parish Relations Committee, Treasurer, Trustees
Below is a listing of these Five Practices and ways they are lived out in our congregation.
Radical Hospitality Team
The Radical Hospitality Team serves to provide a sense of welcoming and belonging. Areas you will experience the Radial Hospitality Team at Trinity are:
First Impressions on Sunday Morning, Coffee Hour, Funeral Meals,
Special Events, Taking Communion to the Homebound, Card Ministry, Secret Pals
Passionate Worship Team
The Worship Team serves to enhance the experience of worship at Trinity. Areas you will experience the Passionate Worship Team at Trinity are:
Acolytes, Candle Coordination, Choir, Communion Prep, Greeters, Hosts, Liturgists,
Music, Praise Band, Seasonal Decorations, Sound, Ushers
Intentional Discipleship Team
The Intentional Discipleship Team strives to grow disciples through Christian spiritual formation opportunities. Areas you will experience the Intentional Discipleship Team at Trinity are:
Adult Sunday School, Childcare, Children & Youth Ministries,
Small Group Facilitators, Short Term Studies
Extravagant Generosity Team
The Extravagant Generosity Team encourages extravagant generosity from the congregation for the work of God through our church. Areas you will experience the Extravagant Generosity Team at Trinity are:
Finance, Memorial Funds, Stewardship Campaign,
Telling the Story of How Our Generosity Makes an Impact
Risk Taking Missions and Service Team
The Risk Taking Missions and Service Team plan, organize, and manage teams of servants to spread Christ's message of love through service beyond the church walls. Areas you will experience the Risk Taking Missions and Service Team at Trinity are:
Adult Mission Trips, Alzheimer’s Support Group, American Red Cross Blood Drive,
Angels of Comfort, Boy Scouts, Canal District Disaster Response, Dinner Church, Global Mission Support,
Grief Share, “Stay at Home” Mission Projects, Trinity Christian Preschool, Youth Mission Trips
Administrative Committees
Administrative Committees serve as connections between the church congregation, team leaders, staff, and stewardship of the resources gifted to the care of our church. Areas you will experience the Administrative Committees at Trinity are:
Finance, Lay Leadership Development, Ministry Support Team,
Staff Parish Relations Committee, Treasurer, Trustees
Find your S.H.A.P.E.
Not sure where to serve? We want to help you find the team that really fits YOU and your S.H.A.P.E. (Spiritual Gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality, and Experience). S.H.A.P.E. Discovery Classes are offered through the year to help you determine your S.H.A.P.E. and discover where you might best serve God and others. Contact the Church Office to see if classes are currently taking place or to request to be notified when future classes become available.
"Your Kingdom Purpose is your specific contribution to the body of Christ, within your generation, that causes you to totally depend on God and authentically display His love towards others - all through the expression of your unique S.H.A.P.E." (Erik Rees)
"Your Kingdom Purpose is your specific contribution to the body of Christ, within your generation, that causes you to totally depend on God and authentically display His love towards others - all through the expression of your unique S.H.A.P.E." (Erik Rees)
Volunteer FAQ
How do I volunteer?
There are many opportunities to serve others with your gifts and talents at Trinity United Methodist Church.
The Church Office is happy to connect you to the appropriate Team Leader to find out more on what each team does and help you find the team that fits you.
The Church Office is happy to connect you to the appropriate Team Leader to find out more on what each team does and help you find the team that fits you.
How do I volunteer with music?
Contact Pastor David about serving opportunities in Chancel Choir, Praise Music, or Special Music.
How do I volunteer with students?
Contact our Family Ministry Directors, Dave and Linda Tibbitts, about serving opportunities in Student Ministries.